Yakitori Vegan Ingredients
For 2:
- 300 gr. chinese eggplant
- 2 tablespoons of yakitori sauce
- 2 tablespoons of soy sauce
- Salt to taste
- 2-3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
- 1 chilli
- A handful of parsley
- 50 ml of warm water
- 1 slice of ginger
- 1 clove of garlic.
- Basmati rice for serving
Cooking Method
Cut the Chinese aubergines in half, then add salt. Separately, mix soy sauce, yakitori sauce, oil, ginger and grated garlic, and hot water. Mix well and pour the contents over the aubergines, mix well so that all the aubergines are covered with this condiment. Then put in the oven to bake at 352F for 30 minutes or until you see that they are nice caramelized.
Yakitori Vegan Serve with parsley and chopped chilli.
Also cook the basmati rice as written in the package.
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